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1000s activated Brands
Bulk Swag
Tradeshows & Events

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Staff Apparel

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

At trade shows, 92% of people go to discover new products, meaning it’s a great opportunity to get branded items into peoples’ hands.
Build a Box
HR & Onboarding

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Customer Experience

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Not fitting into a workplace and its culture is a reason for an unsuccessful onboarding process cited by 65% of executives.
Swag Boxes
Customer Appreciation

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Employee Gifting

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Choosing the right product is key - 72% of people say that a brand's reputation is reflected in the quality of the promo products they receive.